Why is my Business Identity So Important?

There may be a temptation on the part of new business owners to think: “If my product or service is good, that’s all that counts.” While a quality product is essential to a quality image, the reality is that in today’s business arena, image sells. If you’re a financial planner and extremely adept at investing other people’s money, you need to communicate that you’re not only financially smart, but that you’re reliable and trustworthy. You wouldn’t visit a client’s office dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. You would probably wear a conservative suit because that attire conveys a dependable, reliable image — the kind of person who can be trusted to handle finances. People don’t want to give their money to someone who conveys via their dress, that they aren’t serious in a business situation. For this type of business you wouldn’t have a business card printed in neon colors either. A white card with a traditional type face would be a more appropriate choice.

Identity needs

Business Card Design


• Up to 3 designs
• 3 Modifications
• $60 Hour for Additional Modifications

Stationery Design


• Up to 3 designs
• 3 Modifications
• $60 Hour for Additional Modifications

Letter Head Design


• Up to 3 designs
• 3 Modifications
• $60 Hour for Additional Modifications

Envelope Design


• Up to 3 designs
• 3 Modifications
• $60 Hour for Additional Modifications

Logo Design



• Up to 10 designs
• 3 Modifications
• $60 Hour for Additional Modifications



• Up to 30 designs
• 5 Modifications
• $60 Hour for Additional Modifications



• Up to 60 designs
• 7 Modifications
• $60 Hour for Additional Modifications



• Up to 90designs
• 10 Modifications
• $60 Hour for Additional Modifications

Prices are based on full release of all artwork for your choice of printers. Products printed with K4 will reduce the price of design.